In this personal side note, I tell you about glasses

I realised something exactly 3 days ago – I am attracted to men with glasses. In fact, a full 50 percent of the men I´ve dated have worn them, and I´m sure it would be more if every bespectacled man I have ever tried to bat my lashes at would have been interested in dating me as well.

That being said, the style of glasses matters a lot. A LOT. Homeboy can´t just show up with dads magnifying readers or uncle Bills Blue Blockers. These things make or break you my friend – the spectrum ranges from stylish to WTF were you thinking GTF away from me.

This has never been a concious attraction for me though. Sure, I have displayed disappointment when my object of interest has opted to wear contact lenses instead of their specs for certain occassions, because I knew I liked their glasses. But I also like stylish clothes and various fashions of facial hair displays (again fellas, make or break – no officer Poncherella bars). JM was no exception to this, I preferred him wearing his glasses (and with certain styles of facial hair). But now I realize I will date men who are entirely wrong for me because of the style of frames on their face. Holy Jesus, put a helmet on them and it´s all over.

It has taken me 20 years to figure this out. I´m quick like that.

Feliz new year

I don’t know about you, but I just slammed the door shut REAL HARD on 2008.  The year couldn’t have been worse… and at the same time there were a couple of good things that happened.  So that makes my feelings about it even more confusing and mixed up.

Therefore I rang in the New Year like baby jesus intended:  plenty of Vodka, Italian men, cigarettes, chocolate, making out with strangers, wine, dancing and truth spilling until at 8am.

Meanwhile, I hope that 2009 is a better year for you all, and that you make a step towards your hearts greatest desire.